=== Plugin Name === Contributors: gtroyal Donate link: http://example.com/ Tags: date exclusion Requires at least: 2.7.0 Tested up to: 2.7.1 Stable tag: trunk Gives your blog a feeling of freshness by turning off the display of date information after a specified number of days or immediately after posting. == Description == Gives your blog a feeling of freshness by turning off the display of date information after a specified number of days or immediately after posting. Also removes it from search engines. Exclusion of date information can be set by default in the plugin file and/or manually for each post. Based on date-exclusion plugin from Stephen Ward. By Greg Royal. == Installation == 1. Upload `date-exclusion-seo.zip` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Unzip file will create date-exclusion-seo subdirectory. 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 4. Goto Plugins > Editor > date-exclusion-seo.php. 5. Edit the following: // Set to 'yes' to exclude all date information by default; set to 'no' to deactivate $exclude_date = 'no'; // Set to the default number of days after which date information should no longer be displayed; set as 0 to deactivate $date_expires = 30; 6. Save the file. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where is the support page? == http://www.bluecowhosting.com/wordpress/date_exclusion_seo.html = What about foo bar? = Email support@bluecowhosting.com